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发布时间:2024-09-23 06:33 已有人浏览
本文摘要:North Korea launched four Scud missilesinto the sea off its eastern coast Thursday, the South Korean Defense Ministrysaid.韩国国防部称之为,朝鲜周四在东部海岸升空的四枚飞毛腿导弹掉进了海里The missiles were fired in the direction ofRussiaand fell into the sea, according to



North Korea launched four Scud missilesinto the sea off its eastern coast Thursday, the South Korean Defense Ministrysaid.韩国国防部称之为,朝鲜周四在东部海岸升空的四枚飞毛腿导弹掉进了海里The missiles were fired in the direction ofRussiaand fell into the sea, according to the Pentagon, which described the launch asa very low-level matter.美国国防部称之为,导弹是朝俄罗斯的方向升空的,随后掉进了海中,美国还称之为这次升空的水平非常低The missiles were fired just days after thestart of annual joint military exercises between South Korea and the United Statesthat North Koreaopposes. The joint military exercises routinely spark tension between North Korea, South Korea and the United States.这次升空正好是再次发生在韩美每年牵头军演开始之后几天。两国每年常规的军演总会引起韩国,美国和朝鲜的紧张局势For example, last years exercisestriggered weeks of heightened tensions between the nations and North Koreanthreats of nuclear war.比如,去年的军演引起了数周的紧张局势,当时朝鲜威胁核战争The South Korean and U.S. militaries have not beenspecific about where they are conducting their drills.韩国和美国军队没获取展开军演的地点细节The South Korean Defense Ministry said thatthe North had fired the Scuds in a northeasterly direction and that theyprobably fell into North Korean waters of the East Sea, which is also known asthe Sea of Japan.韩国国防部称之为朝鲜是朝东北方向升空飞毛腿的,有可能是掉进了东海的朝鲜海域,这也被称作日本海It was the first time North Korea had firedScud missiles, which have a range that covers the whole of the KoreanPeninsula, since 2009, South Korea said.韩国称之为,这是朝鲜自2009年以来首次升空飞毛腿导弹,这种导弹可以覆盖面积整个朝鲜半岛We consider it to be threatening anda military provocation, said South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman KimMing- seok, although he acknowledged the firings may have been a test launch orpart of military drills.。


