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发布时间:2024-09-11 06:33 已有人浏览
本文摘要:Chinese scientists have completed the construction of a rover, which is planned to be used in the countrys first mission to Mars in 2020, Chinese media reported, citing space experts.中国媒体报道中提到了航天专家的话,说道中国科学家已作好探测器,计划用作我国2020年第一次火星任务中。


Chinese scientists have completed the construction of a rover, which is planned to be used in the countrys first mission to Mars in 2020, Chinese media reported, citing space experts.中国媒体报道中提到了航天专家的话,说道中国科学家已作好探测器,计划用作我国2020年第一次火星任务中。The planned mission includes orbiting, landing and moving on the surface of Mars, according to the Global Times newspaper.据《环球时报》报导,这次已计划好的任务还包括绕行火星轨道运营,在火星表面降落和移动。If the mission succeeds, scientists will be able to study the planets atmosphere, as well as topographical, geological and magnetic field features, which will help to get a clue about the origin and evolution of Mars and the entire Solar System.如果这次任务顺利,科学家将需要研究火星的大气层、地形、地质和磁场特征,这有助理解火星和整个太阳系的起源和进化。

At the same time, the main goal of the mission is to find possible signs of life on Mars, as well as to help scientists understand whether conditions on Mars may change in the future so that the planet will be suitable for human life.同时该任务的主要目标是要在火星上寻找生命有可能不存在的迹象,并协助科学家搞清楚未来火星条件否不会发生变化从而合适人类存活。According to earlier reports, China will launch its first mission to Mars in July or August 2020. It is due to be launched by the Changzheng 5 (Long March 5) rocket from the Wenchang cosmodrome in Hainan Province.早的一些报告称之为中国将于2020年7月或8月继续执行第一次火星任务。继续执行这次任务的是长征五号火箭,将于海南省的文昌卫星升空中心升空。

The heavy lift launch vehicle is designed to directly bring the probe to the transitional Earth-Mars orbit.这艘重型运载火箭被设计用来必要将探测器送往地火移往轨道上。According to preliminary calculations, it will take seven months to reach the surface of the Red Planet. If the mission succeeds, the probe will send data to Earth in 2021.可行性计算出来七个月后不会抵达火星表面,如果本次任务顺利,探测器将于2021年向地球发送数据。


