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发布时间:2024-08-05 06:33 已有人浏览
本文摘要:Israeli researchers have unveiled a breakthrough beer made from ancient yeast up to 5,000 years old.以色列研究人员发售了一款“突破性”啤酒,而这款啤酒是用5000多年前的古老酵母做成的。


Israeli researchers have unveiled a breakthrough beer made from ancient yeast up to 5,000 years old.以色列研究人员发售了一款“突破性”啤酒,而这款啤酒是用5000多年前的古老酵母做成的。Researchers from the Antiquities Authority and three Israeli universities extracted six strains of the yeast from old pottery discovered in the Holy Land.古物管理局以及三所以色列大学的研究人员从圣地找到的旧陶器中萃取出有六株酵母菌。It is believed to be similar to beverages enjoyed by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.人们指出,这款啤酒与古埃及法老品尝的饮料相近。

The team said it hoped to make the drink available in shops one day.该团队回应,期望有朝一日可以在商店里购买这种饮料。I remember that when we first brought out the beer we sat around the table and drank... and I said either well be good or well all be dead in five minutes, said Aren Maeir, an archaeologist with Bar-Ilan University. We lived to tell the story.“我忘记,当我们第一次生产量啤酒来,我们躺在桌子周围饮酒……我说道,五分钟之后,我们或许都只想的,或许都杀了,”以色列巴伊兰大学的考古学家艾伦·梅埃尔说。

“我们活下来了,来给大家谈这个故事。”In the regions past, beer was a basic commodity - like bread - enjoyed by the entire population, regardless of status or age. Since there was always a risk of contamination with water, fermented beer and wine were considered much safer to drink.在过去,啤酒是这个地区的基本商品,就像面包一样,不论地位或年龄,所有人都可以品尝。


因为水源总是有被污染的风险,所以人们实在烘烤过的啤酒和葡萄酒饮用一起要安全性得多。The beers were usually made from a mix of grains and water, baked and left to ferment in the sun. Fruit concentrates may also have been added for flavour.啤酒一般来说是用谷物和水做成的,把谷物和水混合在一起,烤制一下,然后放到阳光下烘烤。为了取得独有的风味,或许还不会加点水果浓缩汁。

Ronen Hazan and Michael Klutstein, two biologists at Hebrew University, came up with the idea to create this latest batch using antique yeast.希伯来大学的两位生物学家罗恩·哈赞以及迈克尔·克鲁特斯顿明确提出了这个用古代酵母制作这种新款啤酒的点子。With the help of beer expert Itai Gutman, the team used modern techniques to create a drink similar to wheat beer, with 6% alcohol content, and a mead with 14% strength.在啤酒专家伊塔·古代特曼的协助下,该团队用现代技术建构了一款类似于小麦啤酒的饮料,其酒精度为6度,含糖量为14%。Mr Gutman previously recreated a beer used a genetically modified strain of wheat dating from 10,000 years ago. However researchers say this is the first time alcohol has been created from ancient yeast.古代特曼先生先前曾用始自一万年前的一种转基因小麦移植版了一款啤酒。

然而,研究人员回应,这是第一次用古代酵母申请专利酒来。The greatest wonder here is that the yeast colonies survived within the vessel for thousands of years - just waiting to be excavated and grown, Dr Hazan told reporters.“这里仅次于的奇迹就是容器中的酵母菌堕存活了数千年,就是为了等候被考古与培育,”哈赞博士告诉他记者。

The team says it hopes to brew more beer using ancient techniques instead, and is looking for investors to explore commercial production.该团队回应,期望用古代技术酿造出有更加多的啤酒,他们期望着投资者探究商业生产的可能性。Aside from the gimmick of drinking beer from the time of King Pharaoh, this research is extremely important to the field of experimental archaeology, said Dr Hazan.“除了喝了法老王时期的啤酒这一噱头,这项研究对实验考古学领域也有十分最重要的意义。”By the way, the beer isnt bad.“偷偷地说一句,这款啤酒还不俗。


